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HIS: Book 1 in the HIS trilogy Page 5
HIS: Book 1 in the HIS trilogy Read online
Page 5
"So you think you can just sit there and act all high and mighty because your thug boyfriend and his little posse caught me off guard and beat me up... you think that scared me any?" Mark spoke.
Winifred simply shook her head NO she didn't want to make any uncertain movements around Mark as she was afraid he would be easy to provoke at this moment.
"He didn't scare me you know, I ain't afraid of him and I would have whoop his ass had it been a fair fight." Mark declared.
Winifred found herself thinking that Marks words were meant more for himself than for her.
It was almost like he was trying to convince himself of his power.
Before Winifred had time to react he was across the kitchen and standing before her his hands like vices on her hips as he pulled her bottom forward.
Standing between her opened legs and bruising her hips with his punishing grip Mark reached up with his left hand and caressed her jaw before he slapped her hard across the face.
Winifred let the bowel fall and clatter on the ground milk and cereal covered the floor at Marks feet.
"You fucking disgust me." Mark spit out as he looked from her to the mess around his feet.
His words had no more than left his lips before he smashed his mouth down on Winifred's.
Using his hand on her jaw to force her to open her mouth Mark forced in his tongue nearly gagging her as it invaded her mouth taking with it her breath and her first kiss.
Mark brought his right hand up to squeeze her right breast.
His grip was rough and meant to inflict pain.
Winifred yanked her head back while struggling to get away.
"My mother sees this and she will be done with you Mark." Winfred bit out.
Mark laughed hard and the smell of liquor filled her nostrils... he had been drinking.
Mark only drank the hard stuff when her mom was not home.
"Your mother is gone to see that friend of hers and we both know that means she will be gone for hours... long enough for me to get what I want from you and even if she was here I could fuck you right in front of her and she wouldn't do shit to stop me."
His words while harsh were true he could rape her right in front of her mother and the woman would not utter a single thing to save her child.
Before Winifred could think up anything to stall him Mark yanked her off the counter and twisted her round forcing her to face the countertop she had just been sitting on.
Placing a hand on the back of her head her forced her to bend over.
With her face now being pressed into the countertop and her hands being held in Marks grip Winifred was powerless.
She tried to fight back, she struggled to get one of her arms free to hit him; she tried lifting her head but Mark was holding her prisoner with an ease that scared her.
It was going to happen he was about to rape her.
Taking the bun she had pulled her hair up into Mark yanked her head back before slamming her face into the counter.
Blood pooled in Winifred's mouth, a loud ringing noise filled her ears and before she could even comprehend what he was about Mark had her arms secured behind her back.
Yanking her away from the counter he threw her towards the floor.
His hands a flurry of activity her cloudy mind couldn't follow.
Her pants and panties were gone and only her socks remained.
Mark was standing over her pulling down his own pajama pants now.
Fear and adrenaline kicked in but it was too late her hands were now tied underneath her back completely forcing her to Marks will.
Using her feet she tried to scoot backwards across the tiled floor her back soaked with milk the captain crunch she loved so much now soggy and sticking to her cloths.
Reaching over to the counter Mark pulled a pair of kitchen shears from the knife block and grabbing her ankle he pulled her back to him.
Bending down his genitals dangling between his thighs Mark sat on her stomach.
He began cutting her top open until her sweatshirt was mere fabric hanging from her bound arms.
Her breast were covered with her white bra at least until Mark cut that as well.
Laying there completely exposed Winifred silently cried out for God to protect her she begged him to show mercy or to at least send her white knight.
Where was Jax?
She needed him so much right now.
Leaning down Mark began to fondle her breasts.
"Your mothers tits sag did you know that?" Mark informed her.
"I hate her tits, I hate her lose skin, and her stretch marks they disgust me... but I still married her because I knew she would be easy to bend to my will that she would do anything to please me... even let me have you." Mark pause to lick her neck before he forced her mouth back open so he could plunder it with his tongue.
Winifred whimpered as she tried to move her head away from Marks choking kisses.
Mark didn't like that one bit so he slapped her hard, hard enough to loosen three teeth in her mouth.
Winifred was in full tears now, she was crying her heart out crying over this horrible situation and the sad state of her life.
Mark slapped her again.
His once limp penis now fully erect he must get off on beating her, on her fear and tears.
"Kiss me back damn it... kiss me like you kiss your thug boyfriend." He demanded.
When he leaned down to kiss her again Winifred attempted to bite his lip.
Jerking back just in time Mark growled in anger before he hit her with a closed fist in the face so hard Winifred saw white and nearly passed out.
Her head swimming now Winifred heard Mark demand once more for her to kiss him back.
Knowing he would hit her again and possibly succeed in knocking her out making her a limp victim of his assault Winifred opened her mouth and imitated his tongue, his kiss.
She didn't want to pass out, she had to form a plan of escape.
Groaning in her mouth Mark pulled back and smiled down at her.
"I knew you wanted me, I saw the way you looked at me the only thing standing between us was your mother but she is not here now and we can make love the way you have always wanted us to."
He was insane.
Mark reached down and grabbed himself squeezing his penis and pushing it towards her face.
"Do you want to make me happy baby, you do want to make me happy right." Mark asked Winifred.
Winifred didn't dare answer because no way was she going to do what he wanted but refusing might get her killed.
"Maybe we can finish that way then." he whispered.
Scooting down her body he forced her legs apart and situated himself between her thighs pressing the head of his penis to her opening.
"I am the first right?" he asked.
"I would be really upset to find out you let that thug inside you, that you gave him what you've been promising to me."
He started to push forward but just as he was close to piercing the thin veil of her innocence he was ripped off of her and sent flying across the floor.
Looking up through her half swollen lids Winifred saw an avenging angel standing over her.
The guy was close to six four cloaked in black leather with a pair of black wrap around Ray-Bans on.
His blond hair was disheveled in a windblown fashion.
Reaching down he hauled her up against his chest and began walking her out of the room.
Winifred could hear the sound of flesh being pounded, a sound she was all too familiar with.
Looking around the angels shoulder she saw Jax beating Mark with his fist.
Blood was flying up from Marks face and off Jaxxon's fist causing a tiny spray patterns to form on the wall.
In a hoarse voice Winifred spoke to her angel.
"He is going to kill him." she said.
The angel angled his head down to look at her before he shook his head yes.
"We have to stop him." Winifred pleaded with th
e angel.
"Please I know Mark deserves it believe me I do but I don't want Jax to get into trouble."
The angel stopped walking only to look back at Jax who was still pummeling Mark.
"If he does kill him... no one will ever know."
The angel spoke before he continued to walk her out of the room despite Winifred's protests he did not go back to stop Jax in-fact he took her to her room up the stairs before he laid her with her hands still tied behind her back on the bed.
Reaching down he covered her up before heading to the door.
"Wait." Winifred yelled, the angel turned to look at her.
"What's your name?" Winifred asked.
"Sam." he said; his voice deep his words clipped, "but everyone calls me Slider." with that being said he walk out the door.
Several minutes later Jax entered the room looking royally pissed.
Sitting on the bed next to her he peeled her covers back making Winfred cringe.
She was naked except for the remnants of her clothes and with Marks scent all over her body she defiantly didn't want Jaxxon seeing her like this.
Without saying a word he rolled her over and unbound her hands before he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom.
Standing in his arms her legs trembling like jelly Winifred began to sob as the reality of everything hit her.
Mark had been seconds away from not only raping her but stealing her virginity, Mark had truly thought she wanted him, and Mark had stolen her first kiss a kiss that was meant for the boy she liked enough to give it to.
Jax stood there with her held tight against his chest as he set the water in the shower.
Before Winifred could protest in fear that her legs would not hold her up long enough to shower Jax stepped into the shower fully decked out in his biker gear with Winifred still held close to his body.
At first he just let the warm almost hot water soothe her nerves and remove some of Marks stench but then he picked up the soap and using his rough calloused hands he began to wash her.
When he was finished and Winifred was truly clean, he stepped out of the shower and wrapped her in one of the large fluffy towels her mother hand hanging on the shower rack.
Trembling but able to stand on her own now Jax released her and began to strip down to his underwear exposing his body and the several tattoos he bore.
Then he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.
When the towel was secured he removed his underwear and laid them on top of his pile.
Winifred didn't understand his modesty but she appreciated it at that moment none the less.
Walking her back into her bedroom he straightened out her bed clothes before laying her on top of the covers and pulling a throw off the back of her vanity chair he placed that over her.
"I am going to have Slider bring me some fresh clothes after he cleans up downstairs... I am not leaving you luv I just have to make sure everything is taken the proper care of." he never looked at her face just in her direction.
"Jax are you mad at me...do you think this is my fault too?" she asked.
With his brows drawn together in confusion Jax asked, "Who said anything about this being your fault?"
Winifred looked uncertain before telling him what Mark had said and his delusions about her wanting him.
Jaxxon shook his head in disgust before he slammed his already raw fist into the wall leaving behind a bloody impression of his knuckles.
"This is not your fault luv, that sick fuck was out of his mind and the only one at fault here was him." Jax walked back over to the bed leaning down he gently tucked a finger beneath her chin to make her lift her face and eyes to look at him.
Without a word he leaned down and placed a sweet chaste kiss on her bruised lips.
Laying his forehead against her own he groaned.
"I promised I would wait but I figured you needed that."
Winifred smiled at Jax before asking; "What do you mean you promised yourself you would wait, wait for what?" she asked.
"You luv, I promised myself I would wait for you to turn eighteen before I did that before I took you away from here and made you mine... but his timing fucked that all up and now we are going to have to jump a few steps and I am going to be bringing you home with me."
He kissed her softly once more before making his way back to her bedroom door.
Turning he said, "I will wait for your birthday for the rest but I won't negotiate taking you home with me... someone needs to protect you and keep you safe obviously your mother damn sure is not that person so I will be." with that he walked out slamming the door behind him.
Winifred contemplated his words.
He was taking her to his home.
He was planning on making love to her after she turns eighteen.
He seemed to know when her birthday was but she didn't know how he knew.
He said he was going to make her his...
Chapter 7
Winifred must have fallen asleep a thing she didn't think would be possible.
However when she opened her eyes three hours had passed and her room was much brighter hinting at the afternoon sunshine outside.
Sitting up she used the palms of her hands to rub her eyes before she stretched to relieve her sore muscles.
She was looking around in mid yawn when she saw the man she had called Angel this morning the man who had carried her from the kitchen after Jaxxon had ripped Mark off of her.
She remembered his name Sam but he had told her to call him Slider.
He was sitting on her bean bag chair and the thing looked close to popping under his massive size.
Still decked out in leather he seemed more approachable now with his leather jacket off and his sunglasses gone.
He was sitting there with his shaggy blonde hair falling hazardously into his face staring at her with some pretty startling green eyes.
"Hi." Winifred squeaked out.
"Hey." was his only reply but he sat up straighter in her chair and Winifred could mentally hear the seams stretch and a few pop under that weight shift.
She was surprised the thing hadn't exploded with his movement.
"Where is Jaxxon?" she ask feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and his silence.
"Prez is just finishing up with a few minor details and then he will be back nothing for you to worry about." Slider stood up and made his way to the bed.
At her side now Winifred looked up her eyes as round as the sun with her uncertainty.
Mark had been an average sized man and he had brute forced her around but Slider was massive with muscle should he choose to attack her she would be nothing but a helpless victim.
Reaching out he placed his massive hand on her shoulder, smirking when Winifred flinched at his movement, before giving her a gentle shove to make her lay back down on her bed before he tucked her throw back around her.
The guy even reached under her head and made to fluff her pillow.
"You know for a big scary guy you're kind of a softy." Winifred said before she could clamp her mouth shut.
Slider smiled and if she was not already under Jaxxon's spell she would have melted under the sexiness of that dimpled smile.
"Go back to sleep kitten... when you wake up Jax will be back." brushing his hand through her hair to push it back out of her face Slider walked back over to her bean bag chair and plopped back down.
Winifred winced in fear once again for her bean bag chairs safety.
"I haven't said thank you yet; so Thank you Sam." Winifred said as she snuggled back down into the warmth of her throw.
"It was nothing you need to say thank you for...I am just mad we didn't get here sooner." his sober words made Winifred peer at him.
"Sam you got here plenty fast enough you and Jaxxon stopped him." she wanted to reassure him and convey just how much she meant those words.
"Yeah but.." he started.
"No but Sam; You and Jax saved me
and that's all that counts here." her words were filled with a resounding force meant to stop his doubt.